Clothes price in Iran
If you are looking to find out the price of clothes in Iran, you must first know the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iranian currency. If you understand this issue, you will realize the very cheap prices of Iranian products.
Today, August 5, 2023, the price of 1 US dollar in Iran is equal to 500,000 rials! Of course, another currency is used in Iran, which is called Toman. Toman is one tenth of Rial. It means that every 1 US dollar is equal to 50 thousand Tomans.
Also, due to the cheap price of energy in Iran, many products are offered at an unrealistic price compared to the world market. It means that by buying any product in Iran, you are buying cheap energy from Iran!
So, as it is known, the prices of products in Iran are very low. It means that by buying Iranian products, you can sell them with a great profit margin. Everyone has the ability to sell the cheap goods they bought at a good price. You certainly can too. So, only one thing remains, and that is to find the best sellers of products in Iran.
Find the best suppliers in Iran
I have been in contact with clothing suppliers in Iran for many years. That’s why I found the best of them and have a good directory of them. I can help you in this matter.
Clothes price in Iran
The price of some clothes in Iran is sometimes less than 1 dollar! Of course, this depends on the fabric, brand, and sewing quality. Some clothes or better quality have prices up to 10 dollars. These are clothes of acceptable quality.
Even women’s dresses and wedding dresses have incredible prices in Iran, which are not comparable to the prices of the world market. Because these prices are very low.
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